Healthy Community Initiative

Thriving Youth. Thriving Community.


Youth Grants

Driver’s Education Scholarships

December 2016

drivers-edThis proposal was submitted by four members of the TORCH Youth Advisory Board. Last fall YouthBank gave funds to them to start a scholarship fund for out-of-school experiences. A majority of their funds were spent supporting both classroom and Behind-the-Wheel Driver’s Education courses for youth that were unable to afford these courses. Transportation remains a huge barrier to youth connecting with programs or activities in their community. In addition, there are many youth that drive without a license as they can’t afford to take the classes. Having scholarships available to those that need it should help in addressing these concerns. This project fits nicely within the YouthBank themes and is run by the TORCH Youth Advisory Board, both factors that excited the YouthBank team and influenced their decision to fund it.

Fiscal Agent:

Northfield Public School District